What To Do!

Second Liberated Round Robin (LibRR2) Spring/Summer 2012

1.  Please read the Invitation to Join in Liberated Round Robin2
2.  If you would like to participate (even if you participated in the first LibRR) please fill out the form. You will receive a response within a few days!
3.  If you have a question, please fill out the same form, or if appropriate leave a comment on a post.  You will receive a response within a few days!

Step One:  Going for it! - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Step One (most recent will appear first)

Step Two: Making Your Own Fabric - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Step Two (most recent will appear first)

Step Three: Color - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Step Three (most recent wil appear first)

Step Four: Serendipity - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Step Four (most recent will appear first)


First Liberated Round Robin (LibRR1) (Summer/Fall 2011)

Still working on LibRR1?  Please post photos and updates!

Step One: Center Block - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Round 0 Block (most recent will appear first)

Round One: Triangles - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Round 1 Triangles (most recent will appear first)

Round Two: Squares - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Round 2 Squares (most recent will appear first)

Round Three: Rectangles - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.
Examples of Round 3 Rectangles (most recent will appear first)

Round Four: Curves - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc. 
Examples of Round 4 Curves (most recent will appear first) 

Round 5 Embellish and Finish - LibRR Directions - Guidelines, etc.